Poveda Kids- Educate your child and others

Poveda Kids- Educate your child and others
May 1, 2010 Poveda Foundation

The Poveda Foundation starts a Play School and Nursery this June in Mohan Nagar. The facility will provide outstanding preschool education to children through both indoor and outdoor activities.

3 batches will be run through the day with 15 kids in each group. The activities will span art, craft, song, dance, games, language, math, motor development and social skills.

The income generated through this project will sustain the learning centres for children from low income communities that Poveda Foundation runs and hence through the fees the parents pay, they will educate not just their own child but others’ too.

Poveda Kids is situated behind the United Bank of India, opposite Hotel Panchsheel on the Telco Road, Chinchwad.


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